Past events

ECR Group Seminar

ECR Group Seminar


02 Jul 2024 14h30Brussels

Event Summary

Organised crime is one of the most serious safety and security threats facing the EU today. Data confirm that the situation is escalating in European cities and regions due to the increased violence claiming a record-high number of victims. Violence is often fuelled by armed gangs competing for territories and profits from the illicit trade of controlled substances.

Drugs continue to be a complex health, social and security concern in the European Union. Over 80 million adults in Europe are estimated to have tried illicit drugs in their lifetime. This personal use imposes costs on healthcare and criminal justice systems across the EU.

Local and regional authorities are hugely impacted as drug trafficking affects the stability and prosperity of entire regions and local communities. The conference will gather local decision-makers, experts and law enforcement officers to discuss possible solutions to be implemented on the ground.


In the first panel speakers will assess the broader aspect of making our communities safe and secure going beyond the huge challenge of fighting drug trafficking, gang violence and organised crime to the more global threat of radicalisation. Speakers will assess the links between the EU's flawed migration system and keeping the continent of Europe safe from the threat of violence and terrorism.


In the second panel the issue of fighting drug trafficking will be discussed. Panellists will discuss the CoR's opinion on the EU Roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime, highlighting the importance of prioritising actions in the area, including on prevention by tackling the root causes of organised crime and taking action against criminal activities as a permanent solution. Combatting the problem of drug trafficking encompasses several policy objectives ranging from health to education, social inclusion to building resilient communities.



Opening remarks by:

Marco Marsilio, President of the ECR CoR Group and President of the Abruzzo Region, Italy 


14.40 - 16.00  


Discussion panel I: Making our local communities safe and secure 

Moderator: Dominika Ćosić, EU Correspondent, Radio Wnet 


  • Juraj Droba, Vice-President of the ECR CoR Group and President of Bratislava Region, Slovak Republic
  • Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director of the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS)
  • Anna Magyar, Vice-President of the ECR CoR Group and Member of the County Council of Csongrád-Csanád, Hungary
  • Katja Nyberg MP, Committee on Justice, Swedish Parliament
16.00 - 16.30Break
16.30 - 17.50

Discussion panel II: Fighting drug trafficking and organised crime

Moderator: Patricia Santos, Editor-in-Chief, El Debate in Brussels 


  • Matteo Bianchi, CoR rapporteur on the "EU Roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime", Member of the City council of Varese, Italy
  • Edoardo Boggio Marzet, EUROPOL Liaison Officer in Brussels
  • Gabor Bota, Head of sector, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
  • Angela De Santis, First Executive Officer of the State Police, Anti-Crime Division, Varese Police, Italy
​17.50 - 18.00

Closing remarks

  • Władysław Ortyl, First Vice-President of the ECR CoR Group and President of the Podkarpackie Region, Poland


