
03 May 2023 | Volary, Czech Republic

Sustainable management of forests: the local Czech perspective

03 May 2023 | Volary, Czech Republic

Sustainable management of forests: the local Czech perspective

ECR member Robert Zeman recently hosted a conference on the sustainable management of forests. Taking place in the City of Volary, the discussion surrounded the implementation of forest management mechanisms, and their capacity to mitigate climate change. 

The conference brought together various representatives from different Municipal Forest Companies found across the Czech Republic, along with local and environmental representatives. Martina Pospíšilová, Mayor of Volary, delivered an address on the management system in the urban forests of Volary, in terms of sustainability and environmental friendliness. 

The conference continues on 5 May with the participation of Georgian representatives. The main subject matter will be the management of urban forests in Prachatice, where Mr Zeman is councillor.  

The event was held with the support of the Committee of the Regions in the framework of the EU local dialogue program.